Mitch Blank's North-German Genealogy Site

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Copyright ©1998-2017 by
Mitch Blank
This page created November 22nd, 2007, updated December 4th, 2007
Hans GOTTSCHALCK, 1698- Friederike's fifth great-uncle
Father Hans GOTTSCHALCK, ca 1644-1713
Mother Catharina "Trina" ELERT Gottschalck, 1665-
Sister Ann Dorothea GOTTSCHALCK Krey, 1687-
Sister Maria GOTTSCHALCK Pingel, 1690-1728
Brother Christian GOTTSCHALCK, 1692-
Sister Catharina Elisabet GOTTSCHALCK Duncker, 1696-
Brother Jochim Detloff GOTTSCHALCK, 1702-1702
Time Line
9 February 1698 - Born at Kossebade, Kreis Parchim, Mecklenburg-Schwerin
11 February 1698 - Baptized there.
Godparents were Melcher Prösche, Hinrich Koch and Ilsa Wahrman (Mrs Jochim Voße)
13 July 1702, age 4 - Brother Jochim Detloff GOTTSCHALCK born there
About 16 July 1702, age 4 - Brother Jochim Detloff GOTTSCHALCK died there