Phillip BENZ, ca 1754-1831
Büdner (small farmer) in Gützlaffshagen
Edward Benz's great-great-grandfather

       Son Johann BENZ, ca 1782-1831

Time Line

About 1754 - Born

Resided at Gützlaffshagen, Kreis Greifenberg, Pommern

About 1782, age 27 - Son Johann BENZ born in Gützlaffshagen?

13 November 1812, age 58 - Son Johann BENZ, age 30, married Catharina GENZ, age 25, at Gützlaffshagen

20 November 1812, age 58 - Grandson Martin BENZ born there

16 April 1815, age 60 - Granddaughter Dorothea BENZ Polzin born there

5 August 1817, age 63 - Grandson Johann BENZ born there

3 February 1819, age 64 - Grandson Johann BENZ, age 1, died there

2 March 1820, age 65 - Grandson Martin BENZ, age 7, died there

13 August 1823, age 69 - Grandson Johann "John" BENZ born there

14 March 1831, age 76 - Died there of Altersschwaeche (debility/weakness of old age)