August Christian Erdmann PAPE, 1820-1877
Edward Benz's first cousin twice removed's husband

 Wife Johanne Marie "Mary" TEWS Pape, 1824-

Time Line

4 December 1820 - Born at Rübenhagen, Kreis Regenwalde, Pommern

As of sometime before 1844 - Resided at Lewetzow, Kreis Greifenberg, Pommern

As of 1844 - Occupation listed as Knecht (farmhand)

5 January 1844, age 23 - Married Johanne Marie "Mary" TEWS, age 19, at Lewetzow. The couple had eight children, including Hanne Caroline Friederike Paape, 1844-, Emilie Wilhelmine Sophia Paape, 1846-, Friedrich Heinrich Gottfried "Heinrich" Paape, 1849-1851, August Ferdinand Heinrich Paape, 1852- Bertha Wilhelmine Caroline Paape Steffen, 1854-, Albert Otto Gustav Paape, 1860-, and Otto Wilhelm Gustav Paape, 1863-. The last three children came to America with them in May, 1872.

As of 1850 - Occupation listed as Büdner (small farmer)
S. S. Cimbria

30 April 1872, age 51 - Emigrated at Hamburg, Germany. Family traveled on the S S Cimbria from Hamburg via Havre, France to America.

16 May 1872, age 51 - Immigrated at New York, New York

28 June 1872, age 51 - Father-in-law Johann "Hans" TEWS, age 69, died at Lewetzow of Gicht (gout, podagra, rheumatism)

Sometime after 1872 - Mother-in-law Catharine POLTZIN Tews died

22 April 1877, age 56 - Died at Freistadt, Ozaukee County, Wisconsin

25 April 1877 - Buried at Trinity Lutheran Cemetery there