Zimdarse  (Now Siemidarzno)
Kreis Greifenberg, Pommern
(Click on picture for larger image)
Hof Storm Before WW-II Hof Storm Horse Cart near Hof Storm Barn in Zimdarse

Map of Zimdarse
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Map dates from 1891, updated 1941. It covers an area of approximately 1.3 by 0.8 km (0.8 by 0.5 US miles).

Map image was adapted from 1:25K Prussian Landsaufnahme, page 1958

Related Families in Zimdarse

The following table shows which of the individuals included in this web site are connected to Zimdarse and over what time span they are found here.

SurnameGiven names and the range of dates the person was found in Zimdarse
 Benz / Bentz  Dorothea 1845..1883; Dorothea 1843; Johann Friedrich 1845
 Halbreder  Sophia Friederica 1835
 Polzin/Poltzin  Emilie Albertine 1845; Johann 1827..1872; Johann August 1851..1852; Johann Martin Ferdinand 1853; Sophie Marie 1846; Wilhelmine Therese 1848; Wilhemine Friederike 1845
 Rüge  Friederike Wilhelmina 1838..1841; Johann 1827..1847; Peter 1787
 Treptow  Sophia 1838..1852