Dorf Mecklenburg
Kreis Wismar, Mecklenburg-Schwerin

Map of Dorf Mecklenburg

Map dates from 1879, updated 1943. It covers an area of approximately 1.9 by 1.3 km (1.2 by 0.8 US miles).

Map image was adapted from 1:25K Prussian Landsaufnahme, page 2134

Related Families in Dorf Mecklenburg

The following table shows which of the individuals included in this web site are connected to Dorf Mecklenburg and over what time span they are found here.

SurnameGiven names and the range of dates the person was found in Dorf Mecklenburg
 Burmeister  David Heinrich Christoph 1823; David Jochim Christopher 1824; Jochim Heinrich 1823..1824
 Gosssel(c)k  Elisabeth Maria Sophia Dorothea 1929; Friederica Caroline Dorothea 1821; Gabriel Cord Hinrich 1829; Johann Jochen Christopher 1809..1821; Johann Jochim David 1814..1819; Mina Maria Elisabeth 1811..1819
 Holz / Holst  Eleonora Sophia Catherina 1785..1821; Jacob August 1784..1785
 Kröger  Maria 1784..1785
 Nickel  David Christian 1847
 Stapelmann  Christoffer 1750; Johann Jochim 1750..1819; Sophia Elisabeth Maria 1799..1824
 Warning  Elisabeth Cathrina 1799