Mitch Blank's North-German Genealogy Site

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Copyright ©1998-2018 by
Mitch Blank
This page created October 6th, 2008, updated February 17th, 2015, last edited September 24th, 2018
Rohloff/Gley Family Eastern Mecklenburg Surname Index
Letter 'R'
(There is also a complete combined
index of all surnames documented on the entire
Alma Dorothea Christina Rohloff Hartig, 1882-1964 (Milwaukee)
August Karl Christian Roloff, 1849-1849 (Ave)
Bertha Born Roloff, 1875-1965 (Milwaukee)
Caroline Friederike Anna "Anna" Rohloff, 1880-1883 (Möllenhagen; Milwaukee)
Friedrich Johann Ludwig "Fritz" Rohloff, 1847- (Ave; Möllenhagen; Milwaukee)
Fritz Albert August "Fred" Roloff, 1901-1959 (Milwaukee; Vilas County)
Georg Christopher "Christoph" Roloff, 1814- (Ave)
Henriette Friedrike Johanna Rolof Burow, 1844- (Ave)
Hermann Johann Friedrich Roloff, 1873- (Möllenhagen; Milwaukee)
Johann Friedrich Rolof (Klein Varchow)
Johanna Elisabeth Karoline Schmidt Roloff, 1821- (Tarnow; Ave)
Karl Johann Friedrich Roloff, 1845- (Ave; Groß Helle)
Lilly Anna Alma Roloff, 1895-1991 (Milwaukee)
Louise Christine Maria Glei Rohloff Schäfer, 1849- (Möllenhagen; Milwaukee)
Louise Johanna Caroline Charlotte Rohloff, 1876-1876 (Möllenhagen)
Mabel L Schmidt Roloff, 1901-1989 (Milwaukee)
Maria Karoline Friedrike Rolof, 1842-1867 (Ave)
Sophia Henriette Luise Roloff Wilk, 1851- (Ave)
Theodor Ernst Heinrich "Heinrich" Roloff, 1857- (Ave)
Walter Carl Heinrich Roloff, 1903- (Milwaukee)
Wilhelm Theodor Friedrich Roloff, 1853- (Ave)