Mitch Blank's North-German Genealogy Site

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Copyright ©1998-2018 by
Mitch Blank
This page created October 1st, 2003, last updated August 10th, 2018
Blank/Beise Family Kreis Greifenberg Surname Index
Letter 'D'
(There is also a complete combined
index of all surnames documented on the entire
Fredericka Kressin Dallmann, 1816-1889 (Darsow; Tilden)
Jacob Dallmann, 1810-1897 (Zarben; Chippewa County)
Christian Friedrich Dittmer Jr, 1810- (Behlkow)
Christian Friedrich Dittmer, 1748-1817 (Behlkow)
Christina Charlotta Carolina Dittmer Dittmer, 1786-1833 (Behlkow)
Dorothea Block Dittmer Riesch, 1780-1834 (Behlkow)
Auguste Albertine Kasten Dockter, 1851-1913 (Arnsberg; Burnett; Melrose)
Christian Dockter, 1842-1930 (Fessenheim; Burnett; Grant County; Melrose)