Mitch Blank's North-German Genealogy Site

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Copyright ©1998-2017 by
Mitch Blank
This page created June 19th, 2002, updated March 20th, 2016
Caroline Wilhelmine BENZ, 1849-1849 Edward Benz's aunt
Father Johann "John" BENZ, 1823-
Mother Sophie PAGENKOPF Benz, 1829-1901
Caroline Wilhelmine BENZ, 1849-1849
Sister Caroline Wilhelmine Marie BENZ, 1850-1852
Brother August Ferdinand BENZ, 1853-1917
Brother Ferdinand BENZ, 1855-
Brother Wilhelm BENZ, 1855-1855
Brother Hermann Friedrich Albert BENZ, 1858-1883
Sister Emilie Wilhelmine BENZ Seehawer, 1861-
Brother Otto Albert Ferdinand BENZ, 1864-
Sister Mathilde Wilhelmine Dorothea BENZ, 1871-1871
Time Line
9 January 1849 - Born at Gützlaffshagen, Kreis Greifenberg, Pommern at 1:00 AM
14 January 1849 - Baptized there.
Godparents were Johann Lüdke, knecht from Zimdarse, Wilhelmine Wischow and Wilhelmine Pagenkopf from Gützlaffshagen
18 January 1849 - Died there at 1:00 PM of Krämpfe (convulsions)
20 January 1849 - Buried there