Mitch Blank's North-German Genealogy Site

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Mitch Blank
This page created October 23rd, 2008, updated April 3rd, 2009
August Karl Christian ROLOFF, 1849-1849 Viola Hartig's great-uncle
Father Georg Christopher "Christoph" ROLOFF, 1814-
Mother Johanna Elisabeth Karoline SCHMIDT Roloff, 1821-
Sister Maria Karoline Friedrike ROLOF, 1842-1867
Sister Henriette Friedrike Johanna ROLOF Burow, 1844-
Brother Karl Johann Friedrich ROLOFF, 1845-
Brother Friedrich Johann Ludwig "Fritz" ROHLOFF, 1847-
August Karl Christian ROLOFF, 1849-1849
Sister Sophia Henriette Luise ROLOFF Wilk, 1851-
Brother Wilhelm Theodor Friedrich ROLOFF, 1853-
Brother Theodor Ernst Heinrich "Heinrich" ROLOFF, 1857-
Time Line
8 November 1849 - Born at Ave, Kreis Waren, Mecklenburg-Schwerin
2 December 1849 - Baptized at Groß Lukow, Kreis Waren, Mecklenburg-Schwerin.
Godparents were Karl Friedrich Christian Kamberg, laborer from Groß Flotow, Helena Sophia Auguste Lienow (Mrs Rintzietsch), estate foreman's wife from Ave and Johann Karl Christian Dohms, laborer from Ave
12 December 1849 - Died at Ave of Husten (coughing)
14 December 1849 - Buried at Groß Lukow