Mitch Blank's North-German Genealogy Site

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Copyright ©1998-2017 by
Mitch Blank
This page created March 17th, 2011, updated September 16th, 2015
Wilhelmine Elisabeth Henriette GOSSELK, 1856- Viola Hartig's first cousin twice removed
Father Johann Jochim David GOSSELK, 1814-
Mother Sophia Elisa NICKEL Gosselk
Sister Sophia Maria Louise GOSSELK, 1847-
Sister Elisabeth Maria Sophia Dorothea "Marie" GOSSELK Möller, 1849-1929
Sister Anna Wilhelmine Marie GOSSELK, 1851-
Brother Johann Joachim Christoph GOSSELK, 1854-
Wilhelmine Elisabeth Henriette GOSSELK, 1856-
Sister Elisabeth Sophie Catherina GOSSELK, 1860-
Time Line
7 December 1856 - Born at Metelsdorf, Kreis Wismar, Mecklenburg-Schwerin
13 March 1860, age 3 - Sister Elisabeth Sophie Catherina GOSSELK born there
3 December 1867, age 10 - Recorded in the Mecklenburg-Schwerin census there
2 April 1871, age 14 - Confirmed at Beidendorf, Kreis Wismar, Mecklenburg-Schwerin