Mitch Blank's North-German Genealogy Site

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Mitch Blank
This page created August 9th, 2014, edited February 24th, 2017
Hermann HARTIG, 1880-1880 Viola Hartig's uncle
Father Johann Friedrich Heinrich Christian "Henry" HARTIG, 1844-1922
Mother Dorothea Sophie Marie "Sophie" BURMEISTER Hartig, 1851-1922
Sister Alwina HARTIG, 1874-
Brother Charles W "Carl" HARTIG, 1876-1975
Brother Otto Wilhelm Heinrich HARTIG, 1878-1959
Hermann HARTIG, 1880-1880
Brother Franz Theodor Wilhelm "Frank" HARTIG, 1881-1941
Brother Heinrich August Wilhelm "Henry" HARTIG, 1883-1935
Stillborn brother, 1885
Sister Anna "Annie" HARTIG Sirge, 1887-
Brother Edward HARTIG, 1889-
Sister Tillie HARTIG Krahn, 1896-
Time Line
1880 - Recorded in the Federal census at Milwaukee, Milwaukee County, Wisconsin
25 March 1880 - Born there at 6:00 PM. Birth was attended by midwife Mrs M Krueger of 1006 Richards.
18 December 1880 - Died at 990 Booth St there of scarlet fever
Buried at Union Cemetery there