Mitch Blank's North-German Genealogy Site

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Copyright ©1998-2018 by
Mitch Blank
This page created November 26th, 2011, updated December 1st, 2011, last edited March 21st, 2018
Katarzyna "Kathe" KRZEMINSKI Lizzie Krzeminski's sister
Father Valentine KRZEMINSKI, 1853-1918
Mother Marianna DZIENNIK Krzeminski, 1852-
Sister Antonia "Toney" KRZEMINSKI Mlynarek, ca 1872-1929
Katarzyna "Kathe" KRZEMINSKI
Sister Josepha "Josie" KRZEMINSKI Miller
Sister Anastasia "Nettie" KRZEMINSKI, 1881-1937
Sister Anna "Chanka" KRZEMINSKI, 1882-
Sister Helena Agnes "Helen" KRZEMINSKI Washecheck, 1885-1962
Sister Martha KRZEMINSKI Kosmatka, 1886-1961
Sister Elizabeth "Lizzie" KRZEMINSKI Landowski, 1888-1920
Brother Therese "Telka" KRZEMINSKI, 1890-
Sister Maryanna KRZEMINSKI, 1892-
Brother Vincent E KRAMER, 1895-1976
Brother John KRZEMINSKI, 1896-