Mitch Blank's North-German Genealogy Site

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Copyright ©1998-2018 by
Mitch Blank
This page created November 26th, 2011, updated March 20th, 2018, last edited March 21st, 2018
Baxilia HERKOWSKI, 1896-1897 Frank Landowski's cousin
Father Stephan HERKOWSKI, 1863-
Mother Rosalia MADRA Herkowski, 1870-
Sister Elisabett HIRKOWSKI, 1889-
Brother Maxmilian HERKOWSKI, 1890-1891
Brother Aloysius Szezefan HERKOWSKI, 1892-1892
Sister Bibiana HERKOWSKI, 1893-1894
Baxilia HERKOWSKI, 1896-1897
Sister Frances HERKOWSKI, 1897-
Brother Adolph HERKOWSKI, 1899-1900
Sister Hattia HERKOWSKI, ca 1901-
Sister Rosa HERKOWSKI, 1903-1904
Sister John HERKOWSKI, ca 1903-
Time Line
28 May 1896 - Born at Milwaukee, Milwaukee County, Wisconsin
Resided at 862 Sobieski St there
15 February 1897 - Died there of convulsions
17 February 1897 - Buried at Calvary Cemetery there