Mitch Blank's North-German Genealogy Site

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Copyright ©1998-2017 by
Mitch Blank
This page created June 30th, 2013, updated March 17th, 2016
Johann Ferdinand Heinrich DAMS, 1797-1797 Arthur's great-uncle
Father Heinrich DAHMS, ca 1770-1811
Mother Caroline KRIEDEMANN Dahms, 1771-1837
Johann Ferdinand Heinrich DAMS, 1797-1797
Sister Maria Sovia DAMS, 1798-1859
Sister Maria Christine "Christine" DAMS Hofert, 1800-
Sister Johanne Charlotte DAMS, 1803-1805
Sister Justine Friederike "Friederique" DAHMS Mührke, 1805-1855
Brother Christoph Friedrich Heinrich "Friedrick" DAHMS, 1811-1885
Time Line
30 June 1797 - Born at Nechlin, Kreis Uckermark/Prenzlau, Brandenburg
9 July 1797 - Baptized there.
Godparents were Daniel Reincke, Johann Kraatz, Johann Toll, Peter, artillery gunner in the Kleistschen Regiment, Mrs Johann Timms, Mrs Friedrich Erdmann and Miss Christine Timms
10 July 1797 - Died there
13 July 1797 - Buried there