Mitch Blank's North-German Genealogy Site

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Mitch Blank
This page created June 25th, 1999, last updated September 22nd, 2017
Margaretha Sophia BOSTIAN, 1783-1790 Friederike's great-great-aunt
Father Hans Jochim BAUSTIAN, 1731-1789
Mother Friederica Elisabeth "Elisabeth" BORCHERT Baustian Jacks, 1744-1808
Brother Johann Jacob BOSTIAN, 1769-
Brother Joachim Friederich BOSTIAN, 1770-1795
Sister Elisabeth Christina Margaretha BOSTIAN, 1773-1825
Sister Johanna Susanna Christina Dorothea "Christina" BOSTIAN, 1775-1781
Sister Augusta Sophia "Sophia" BAUSTIAN Klokow, 1778-1839
Sister Margarette Dorothea BOSTIAN, 1779-1785
Brother Ludwig Hartwig BAUSTIAN, 1781-1851
Margaretha Sophia BOSTIAN, 1783-1790
Time Line
10 December 1783 - Born at Schlieven, Kreis Parchim, Mecklenburg-Schwerin
12 December 1783 - Baptized there.
Godparents were Hundt, Eigenthümer, Mrs Hundt and Miss Schroeder
12 June 1785, age 1 - Sister Margarette Dorothea BOSTIAN, age 5, died there
17 November 1789, age 5 - Father Hans Jochim BAUSTIAN, age 58, died there of Brustkrankheit (pneumonia)
18 May 1790, age 6 - Died there of Masern (measles, rubeola)
20 May 1790 - Buried there