Mitch Blank's North-German Genealogy Site

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Copyright ©1998-2017 by
Mitch Blank
This page created June 25th, 1999, last updated September 22nd, 2017
Johann Friderich Theodor BAUSTIAN, 1806-1811 Friederike's first cousin twice removed
Father Ludwig Hartwig BAUSTIAN, 1781-1851
Mother Johanna Margreatha Jacobina KLOKOW Baustian, 1786-1863
Johann Friderich Theodor BAUSTIAN, 1806-1811
Brother Carl Hartwig Jacob BAUSTIAN, 1808-
Brother Christian Friderich Christoph BAUSTIAN, 1811-
Stillborn sister, 1812
Sister Dorothea Elisabeth Carolina BAUSTIAN Müller, 1814-
Sister Friderica Margareta Elisabeth BAUSTIAN, 1817-
Sister Carolina Wilhelmina Johanna BAUSTIAN Thies, 1820-1905
Sister Charlotta Ulrica Wilhelmina BAUSTIAN Thiess, 1822-
Time Line
16 October 1806 - Born at Schlieven, Kreis Parchim, Mecklenburg-Schwerin
19 October 1806 - Baptized there
18 February 1808, age 1 - Grandmother Friederica Elisabeth "Elisabeth" BORCHERT Baustian Jacks, age 63, died there of Brustkrankheit (pneumonia)
30 July 1808, age 1 - Brother Carl Hartwig Jacob BAUSTIAN born there
16 February 1811, age 4 - Brother Christian Friderich Christoph BAUSTIAN born there
26 December 1811, age 5 - Died there
28 December 1811 - Buried there