Mitch Blank's North-German Genealogy Site

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Copyright ©1998-2017 by
Mitch Blank
This page created June 25th, 1999, updated February 22nd, 2002
Ernst Hartwig Christian KLOKOW, 1819- Friederike's great-uncle
Father Hans Friedrich KLOKOW, 1778-1840
Mother Augusta Sophia "Sophia" BAUSTIAN Klokow, 1778-1839
Sister Maria Magdalena Ludovica KLOKOW, 1802-1853
Brother Johann Detlof KLOKOW, 1805-1876
Brother Johann Ludwig Theoic KLOKOW, 1810-1810
Sister Johanna Friderica Sophia "Friderica" KLOKOW Thiess Thies, 1812-1875
Ernst Hartwig Christian KLOKOW, 1819-
Time Line
25 November 1819 - Born at Severin, Kreis Parchim, Mecklenburg-Schwerin ('Zeberin')
26 November 1819 - Baptized at Schlieven, Kreis Parchim, Mecklenburg-Schwerin.
Godparents were Detrich Klokow, day laborer from Schlieven, Ernst Wiecke, farmhand from Zeberin and Mrs Lembke, Büdner's wife from Zeberin