Mitch Blank's North-German Genealogy Site

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Copyright ©1998-2017 by
Mitch Blank
This page created April 10th, 2006, updated February 17th, 2012
Caroline Elisabeth Christiana CAMMIN, 1843-1844 Friederike's first cousin once removed
Father Johann August Gottlieb CAMMIN, 1809-1864
Mother Elisabeth Helena Georgine "Lisch" TIESS Cammin, 1811-
Brother Wilhelm Friedrich Theador CAMMIN, 1833-
Sister Johanna Dorothea Henrica CAMMIN, 1835-
Sister Maria Dorothea Wilhelmine CAMMIN, 1837-1847
Sister Maria Friederica Dorothea CAMMIN, 1840-
Caroline Elisabeth Christiana CAMMIN, 1843-1844
Brother Friedrich Christian Johann CAMMIN, 1846-1929
Time Line
25 November 1843 - Born at Dargelütz, Kreis Parchim, Mecklenburg-Schwerin at 4:00 PM
28 November 1843 - Baptized there.
Godparents were Miss Elisabeth Cammin from Dargelütz, Miss Hanna Christiana Cammin from Dargelütz and Carl Beutin, shepherd from Dargelütz
23 March 1844 - Died there of Blattern (measles, pox)
26 March 1844 - Buried