Mitch Blank's North-German Genealogy Site

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Mitch Blank
This page created February 27th, 2000, updated February 14th, 2011
Anna Sophia Eleonora FREUDE, 1753-1759 Friederike's first cousin four times removed
Father Johan Jochim FREUDE, 1726-
Mother Sophia GRIM Freude
Sister Sophia FREUDE, 1750-1759
Anna Sophia Eleonora FREUDE, 1753-1759
Sister Magdalena Dorothea FREUDE Rudolph, 1761-
Brother Ernst Ludewig FREUDE, 1766-1778
Sister Magdalena Elisabeth FREUDE, 1769-
Brother Christoffer Wilhelm FREUDE, 1771-1789
Time Line
14 July 1753 - Born at Severin, Kreis Parchim, Mecklenburg-Schwerin ('Zebberin')
16 July 1753 - Baptized there.
Godparents were Mrs Anna Rosenow, sexton's wife from Frauenmark, Anna Parmans and Johann Adam Behrens, wind miller from Zebberin
8 March 1759, age 5 - Died there
10 March 1759 - Buried there