Mitch Blank's North-German Genealogy Site

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Mitch Blank
This page created May 26th, 2010, last updated August 14th, 2017
Bertha Sophie Marie THIESS, 1888-1890 Friederike's cousin
Father Friedrich Johann August THIESS, 1850-
Mother Sophia Maria Hanna AUGUSTIN Thiess, 1849-
Brother Friedrich Johann Joachim Martin THIESS, 1877-
Sister Emma Marie Sophia Johanna THIESS, 1879-
Sister Frieda Maria Johanna Sophia THIESS Leetz, 1881-
Brother Paul Theodor Friedrich Johann THIESS, 1884-
Sister Anna Marie Henrica THIESS, 1888-
Bertha Sophie Marie THIESS, 1888-1890
Sister Minna Frieda Anna THIESS Wandschneider, 1890-
Sister Ida Anna Friederike THIESS, 1893-
Sister Meta Anna Frieda THIESS, 1896-1898
Time Line
18 June 1888 - Born at Neu Schlieven, Kreis Parchim, Mecklenburg-Schwerin
; Sister Anna Marie Henrica THIESS born there
19 June 1888 - Baptized.
Godparents were Maria Sophia Dorothea "Sophia" PINGEL Augustin Wilk, retired woman from Raduhn (the mother's step-mother) and Marie Thiess, retired woman from Schlieven
10 March 1890, age 1 - Sister Minna Frieda Anna THIESS Wandschneider born at Neu Schlieven
5 August 1890, age 2 - Died there
8 August 1890 - Buried