Mitch Blank's North-German Genealogy Site

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Mitch Blank
This page last updated August 6th, 2010, edited February 24th, 2017
Mari WINTERFELD, 1696- Friederike's fifth great-aunt
Father Joachim WINTERFELDT, -1711
Mother Dorothea TöRCKELN Winterfeldt, -1747
Brother Lorenz WINTERFELDT, 1679-
Brother Jochim WINTERFELDT, 1682-
Brother Erdmann WINTERFELDT, 1685-1745
Brother Peter WINTERFELDT, 1689-
Sister Margaretha "Gertrud" WINTERFELDT Duntz, ca 1690-
Brother Johan Fridrich WINTERFELD, 1693-
Mari WINTERFELD, 1696-
Time Line
About 31 May 1696 - Born at Dambeck, Kreis Ludwigslust, Mecklenburg-Schwerin
2 June 1696 - Baptized there.
Godparents were Maria Grünewald, Gret Lente and Jochim Brüning