Mitch Blank's North-German Genealogy Site

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Mitch Blank
This page created October 26th, 2004, updated December 22nd, 2004, last edited September 24th, 2018
Marie Elisabeth Dorothea DUNST, 1834-1836 Friederike's first cousin twice removed
Father Johann Heinrich "Heinrich" DUNST, 1799-1889
Mother Katherina Friederika "Friederika" MAU Dunst, 1805-1840
Sister Friederika Maria Katherina DUNST, 1827-
Sister Maria Sophia DUNST, 1829-
Sister Sofia Kristina Maria DUNST, 1831-1837
Marie Elisabeth Dorothea DUNST, 1834-1836
Sister Agnese Dorothea Auguste DUNST, 1837-
Time Line
8 November 1834 - Born at Kladrum, Kreis Parchim, Mecklenburg-Schwerin at 5:00 PM
9 November 1834 - Baptized there.
Godparents were Marie Harder, midwife from Kossebade, Elisabeth Viehstadt, Büdner's wife from Kladrum and Dorothea Cords, Day laborer's wife from Kladrum
28 April 1836, age 1 - Died there of Blattern
30 April 1836 - Buried there