Mitch Blank's North-German Genealogy Site

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Copyright ©1998-2018 by
Mitch Blank
This page created April 16th, 2007, updated April 13th, 2011, last edited September 24th, 2018
Elias "Eddie" STECKER, 1875-1880 Friederike's first cousin once removed
Father Johann Friedrich Heinrich Carl "Carl" STECKER, 1822-1895
Mother Maria Sophia Dorothea "Sophia" AUGUSTIN Stecker, 1835-1917
Brother Johann Joachim "John" STECKER, 1854-1921
Brother Friedrick "Fred" STECKER, 1858-1906
Sister Sophia STECKER, 1860-1881
Brother Augustin "August" STECKER, 1863-1950
Sister Emma STECKER Wilk, 1866-1956
Brother Wilhelm "Willi" STECKER, 1868-1959
Sister Marie Mathilde "Mathilda" STECKER Ballheim, 1870-1954
Sister Carolina H "Lena" STECKER Dodl, 1873-1922
Elias "Eddie" STECKER, 1875-1880
Brother Hubert Albert STECKER, 1878-1960
Time Line
19 November 1875 - Born at Sheboygan Twp, Sheboygan County, Wisconsin
Resided at NHNWQ Section 5 there
13 August 1878, age 2 - Brother Hubert Albert STECKER born there
8 June 1880, age 4 - Recorded in the United States Census there
9 July 1880, age 4 - Died there
Buried at Wildwood Cemetery, Sheboygan, Sheboygan County, Wisconsin. Family plot located in block 14, plot 12.