Geiglitz  (now Iglice)
Kreis Regenwalde, Pommern

Map of Geiglitz
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Map dates from 1942, updated 1952. It covers an area of approximately 2.5 by 1.7 km (1.6 by 1.1 US miles).

Map image was adapted from Army Map Service, US Army, AMS M841 (GSGS 4414) sheet 2158

Related Families in Geiglitz

The following table shows which of the individuals included in this web site are connected to Geiglitz and over what time span they are found here.

SurnameGiven names and the range of dates the person was found in Geiglitz
 Beise  Albertine Caroline Wilhelmine 1833; August Friedrich Wilhelm 1835; Carl August 1830..1835; Carl Friedrich Gottfried 1837; Caroline Augustine Wilhelmine 1842..1843; Christian Friedrich 1828..1844; Edward Friedrich Ferdinand 1844; Emilie Albertine Caroline Louise 1830..1833; Ferdinand Wilhelm Friedrich Ludwig 1831; Johann Christoph Friedrich 1828; Johann Ferdinand 1839; Johann Friedrich Wilhelm 1833
 Janke / Jahnke  Bertha Wilhelmine Friederike 1860; Dorothea Sophia Louise 1828..1844; Friedrich 1860
 Kamke  Wilhelmine Caroline 1860
 Nass  Johanne Friederike Maria 1830..1835