Mitch Blank's North-German Genealogy Site

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This page last updated May 31st, 2006, edited February 24th, 2017
Emilie Louise Charlotte FRöMMING, 1832-1832 Lydia's brother-in-law's aunt
Father Carl Ludwig FRöMMING, 1804-1866
Mother Wilhelmine Juliane HINZ Frömming
Brother Carl Ludwig August FRöMMING, 1826-
Brother Heinrich Hermann Eduard FRöMMING, 1828-
Brother Friedrich Wilhelm Leopold FRöMMING, 1830-1891
Emilie Louise Charlotte FRöMMING, 1832-1832
Sister Hanna Friederika Marie FROEMMING, 1833-1834
Sister Friederika Wilhelmine Henrietta FROEMMING, 1835-
Brother Johann Ferdinand FROEMMING, 1837-1837
Brother Johann Ernst Albert FROEMMING, 1840-
Time Line
26 October 1832 - Born at Ruhleben, Kreis Greifenberg, Pommern
4 November 1832 - Baptized at Woedtke, Kreis Greifenberg, Pommern.
Godparents were Louise Ferker (Mrs Hinz), miller's wife from Rütznow, Charlotte Tesch (Mrs Hackbarth) from Görke, Sophie Foigt (Mrs Colberg) from Muddelmow, Luidbeka, blacksmith and Muller, Bauer from Zicker
30 November 1832 - Died at Ruhleben of Krämpfe (convulsions)
4 December 1832 - Buried at Woedtke