Mitch Blank's North-German Genealogy Site

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Copyright ©1998-2017 by
Mitch Blank
This page created November 17th, 2014, edited February 24th, 2017
Ernst Emil Otto SOHRWEIDE, 1907-1907 Lydia's cousin
Father Otto August Bernhard SOHRWEIDE, 1872-
Mother Emilie Minna GLANDER Sohrweide, 1878-
Sister Erna Anna SOHRWEIDE, 1905-1906
Ernst Emil Otto SOHRWEIDE, 1907-1907
Sister Fride Ida Anna SOHRWEIDE, 1910-
Time Line
12 June 1907 - Born at Triebs, Kreis Greifenberg, Pommern at 7:00 PM
31 August 1907 - Died there at 2:30 AM