Mitch Blank's North-German Genealogy Site

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Copyright ©1998-2017 by
Mitch Blank
This page created March 25th, 2000, updated March 22nd, 2016
Johann TREPTOW, 1819- Berthold's first cousin twice removed
Father Martin TREPTOW, 1783-1834
Mother Sophia ARNDT Treptow, 1787-1857
Brother Johann TREPTOW, 1810-1810
Brother Johann TREPTOW, 1811-1811
Brother Phillip TREPTOW, 1813-1884
Brother Peter TREPTOW, 1816-1885
Johann TREPTOW, 1819-
Sister Sophia TREPTOW Ebert, 1821-1865
Brother Wilhelm TREPTOW, 1825-1873
Sister Maria TREPTOW, 1829-1834
Sister Wilhelmina TREPTOW Schmeichel, 1832-1889
Time Line
9 May 1819 - Born at Gützlaffshagen, Kreis Greifenberg, Pommern
16 May 1819 - Baptized there.
Godparents were Peter Lüdke, Junge halbbauer, Peter Arndt, Knecht and Mrs Martin Treptow
19 January 1821, age 1 - Grandmother Maria TEWS Treptow, age 60, died there of Brustkrankheit (pneumonia)
27 April 1821, age 1 - Sister Sophia TREPTOW Ebert born there