Mitch Blank's North-German Genealogy Site

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Copyright ©1998-2017 by
Mitch Blank
This page created April 30th, 2000, updated November 30th, 2014
Johann Gottfried Peter RIESS, 1856-1857 Berthold's mother's half-brother
Father Johann RIESCH, 1817-1867
Mother Friederica Wilhelmine BUTZLAFF Riesch Lewerenz, 1825-
Sister Maria Wilhelmine RIESS, 1851-1854
Sister Emilie Friederika RIESS, 1853-1853
Sister Pauline Wilhelmine RIESS Frädrich, 1855-
Johann Gottfried Peter RIESS, 1856-1857
Sister Anna Therese Maria RIESS, 1858-1859
Sister Rosalie Auguste Sophia RIESS, 1862-1864
Brother Emil Friedrich Erdreich RIESS, 1865-1865
Brother Otto Friedrich Ferdinand RIESS, 1866-
Time Line
3 November 1856 - Born at Behlkow, Kreis Greifenberg, Pommern at 8:00 PM
9 November 1856 - Baptized there.
Godparents were Peter Butenhof from Gützlaffshagen, Gottfried Lewerenz from Behlkow and Sophia Arndt Butzlaff from Gützlaffshagen
15 December 1857, age 1 - Died there at 9:00 AM of Scharlachfieber (scarlet fever)
18 December 1857 - Buried there