Mitch Blank's North-German Genealogy Site

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Copyright ©1998-2017 by
Mitch Blank
This page created December 15th, 1999, updated February 12th, 2014
Ferdinand Wilhelm Friedrich POLZIN, 1847-1848 Berthold's first cousin once removed
Father August Friedrich Wilhelm POLZIN, 1819-1870
Mother Charlotte Wilhelmine HAACK Polzin, 1825-1872
Brother Wilhelm Martin Friedrich POLZIN, 1846-1846
Ferdinand Wilhelm Friedrich POLZIN, 1847-1848
Brother Johann Hermann Heinrich POLZIN, 1849-1849
Sister Erdmine Caroline Friedericke POLZIN Moeller, 1850-
Sister Marie Friedericke POLZIN, 1853-1853
Sister Auguste Dorothea Albertine POLZIN, 1854-
Brother Erdreich Martin David POLZIN, 1856-
Brother August Friedrich Wilhelm POLZIN, 1858-
Sister Alwine Friederike Wilhelmine POLZIN, 1860-
Sister Johanne Louise Tugendreich POLZIN, 1863-
Brother Albert Johann Heinrich POLZIN, 1864-1865
Time Line
31 December 1847 - Born at Borntin, Kreis Greifenberg, Pommern at 7:00 PM
and baptized there.
Godparents were Friedrich Wilhelm Erdmann, Bauer from Borntin, Wilhelm Ferdinand "Ferdinand" WEITHKE, Halbbauer from Görke (the father's brother-in-law) and Maria (Bechmer) Koepfel, Bauerfrau from Borntin
19 January 1848 - Died there at 5:00 AM of Krämpfe (convulsions)
21 January 1848 - Buried